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Using Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server Version 4.0 and Citrix MetaFrame Version 1.8

It is not recommended that you run Windows NT Terminal Server Edition and SQL Server on the same server.

Hardware Recommendations
bullet Compaq Proliant 1600
bullet Dual Processor Pentium II – 450MHZ1 GB RAM
bullet 6 GB SCSI Hard Drive (Raid 5 is not necessary)
bullet 100 MB Network Card
bullet CD-ROM Drive
bullet 3 ½" Disk Drive


Decisions to be made before installation:

Anonymous Logon vs. Explicit Logon

Anonymous user accounts do not have a persistent identity; no user information is retained when an anonymous user session ends. Any desktop settings, user-specific files, or other resources created or configured by the ICA Client user are discarded at the end of the ICA session.

An explicit user is any conventional MetaFrame user who is not a member of the Anonymous group. Explicit users are created and maintained with User Manager for Domains. Explicit users have a "permanent" existence: their desktop settings, security settings, etc. are retained between sessions for each user in a user profile. Explicit users can be of any user class and are generally created for a specific purpose.

Either security will work with Deltek Advantage but we recommend anonymous because it is easier to maintain and anyone can access the application as long as they have Deltek Advantage security.

Web Client vs. Full Client

Full Client Pros:

Full 32bit application on the user's desktop

bullet Full drive mapping and automatic printer mapping support
bullet Very easy to deploy new published applications
bullet Ability to shadow sessions

Full Client Cons:
bullet Sometimes harder to install/understand
bullet Manpower to deploy and install full client on every machine
bullet Need a mechanism to deploy two 3 1/2" disks worth of software to anyone who will be using Deltek Advantage through Citrix. (This can done via the WAN on a shared network folder that everyone can access)

Web Client Pros:

Easy, central deployment (one installation).

bullet You only need to update the server when new Citrix client versions are released.
bullet Automatic printer mapping support.

Web Client Cons:
bullet Need an Intranet to deploy software.
bullet All client workstations need to have either Microsoft Internet Explorer v3.x or later or Netscape Navigator v3.x or later one of the following web browsers already installed.
bullet Some basic HTML knowledge is needed to setup and maintain the web pages for Citrix.
bullet User's need to be trained to go their web browser for Deltek Advantage access. 


Operating System:

  1. Install Microsoft Window NT - Terminal Server. 
  2. Configure Networking for TCP/IP. 
  3. Install Microsoft Windows NT – Terminal Server v4 (SP5).
  4. Ensure you are using the latest network card and video drivers.
  5. Install Citrix MetaFrame. 
  6. Install Microsoft Windows NT – Terminal Server v4 (SP5).
  7. Tip:  When asked to change the server drive letter, select "O" as your system drive.  This will allow client drives to act as they are expected for Citrix users.


Before installing any applications type "chgusr /install" from the command prompt.

  1. Install Microsoft Access 95 (if desired) – Used for debugging purposes.
  2. Install Microsoft Office 97 (if desired) – Used for exporting reports and Interactive Billing.
  3. Install Deltek Advantage. 
  4. Install Interactive Project Reporting. After installing all applications types "chgusr /execute" from the command prompt.
  5. Reboot and logon in as a local administrator. 
  6. Launch Deltek Advantage and run the Link Wizard to connect the application to the database.


Run compatibility scripts for Office 95, Office 97, and ODBC. These can be found in the "WTSSRV\Application Compatibility Scripts\Install" folder.

bullet Change %WINDIR%\System32 permissions to Everyone-Full Control.
bullet Change the attribute on AdvSQL50.mdb to Read Only. (This is so no one can relink by accident while other users are in the application.)
bullet Disable the RDP protocol from WTS from the Citrix Connection Configuration form.
bullet Configure Timeout settings (Connection, Disconnection, and Idle) from Citrix Connection Configuration ICA Advanced Settings.
bullet Move the Deltek Advantage icons from the user account to the "All Users" account.
bullet File Extension Registry Change – See instructions below.Auto-Retrieve Registry Change – See instructions below.Scheduling Automatic Reboots – See instructions below.Load Balancing – If you are using multiple Citrix servers with the load balancing option, we recommend that you change sessions and CPU utilization to the highest settings (as seen below). This will weigh sessions and CPU more heavily then the other options.

File Extension Registry Change

The following registry setting should be changed so that file extensions are turned on for all users, Interactive Billing works properly, and Edited Invoices are moved to Saved Invoices.

  1. From the WTS, Start-Run-regedt32.
  2. Go to the "HKEY_Users on Local Machine" tab.
  3. Go to the Registry  Load Hive menu option.
  4. Select the "WTSRV\Profiles\Default User\ntuser.dat".
  5. When the Key Name dialog box appears, enter "Temp".
  6. On the tree view (on the left side), go to Temp  Software  Microsoft  Windows  Current Version  Explorer.
  7. Add (or change)a REG_BINARY registry key. 
    ShellState  100000000B0000000000000000000000
  8. Delete any existing profiles so that the new registry settings will take effect for all users.

Auto-Retrieve Registry Change

The following registry setting should be changed to ensure that the Auto-Retrieve options in Deltek Advantage are turned off for each user (this is for better performance).

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Advantage\AutoRefresh]

Scheduling Automatic Reboots

All Citrix servers are scheduled to reboot each night at 2:00 A.M. to clear all sessions that might not have disconnected properly.

From the Windows NT Terminal Server console, start the schedule service and configure it to automatically start.

  1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Services.
  2. Scroll down to the "Schedule" service and click the "Start" button.
  3. Click on the "Startup" button and choose "Automatic".

Create a batch file on the root drive that will shutdown and restart the server. 

  1. Launch explorer and create a new text document called shutdown.bat on the root drive.  
  2. Edit shutdown.bat and add the following line and save the file:          shutdown /SERVER:servername /REBOOT. IMPORTANT:  Replace "servername" with the NETBIOS name of your WTS server.

 Schedule the batch file to be run each night of the week. 

  1. From the command prompt on WTS, type: at \\servername             2:00AM /every:m,t,w,th,f,s,su c:\shutdown.bat 

IMPORTANT:  Replace "servername" with the NETBIOS name of your WTS and replace the drive letter of the batch file to the drive letter that your batch file is on.


Citrix MetaFrame "auto-creates" printers that are compatible with Windows NT – Terminal Server by default.  They are created on the Terminal Server in the following format: 

      "Machine Name"#"Local Printer Name"

Some printing problems that you might encounter are: 

The print job you submitted to one of the above listed printers does not print and no error message is received.

If you do install the above drivers on your WTS server and when more than one user prints to one  of the above printers listed above, your server blue screens with a 0x50 error message.  See MS KB article Q191666 for more information.

Do not install NT print drivers on a Terminal Server unless they are specifically approved for use for Terminal Server. Some examples of incompatible drivers are HP 6, HP 4000, and HP 8000.  Check with your printer manufacturer for terminal server compatibility. 

The alternative is to use a mapping file for any printers that do not have native support for Terminal Server. This file can be found on all of the Citrix servers in the o:\wttsrv\system32\wtsuprn.inf. You can map incompatible printers to a compatible printer such as the HP LaserJet 4 Plus. Please see this file for more details.  

Below, is an example of some lines of the file: "Hewlett Packard LaserJet 6L"  =  "HP LaserJet 4 Plus"  "HP LaserJet 6L (PCL)"   = "HP LaserJet 4 Plus"  "HP LaserJet 6P/6MP – Standard"   = "HP LaserJet 4 Plus" 

You can also download a sample wtsuprn.inf that Deltek has created from here and copy it into your WTSRV\System32 directory.  Make sure you delete and remove the bad printer drivers as well. 

bullet There is one line per printer. 
bullet The left side is the printer driver name (It might be different for Win9x and WinNT users).  The right side is the printer driver that you want it mapped to.         


Performance Monitoring:

It is important to monitor usage and performance of the Citrix server.  Performance monitor and network monitor, as well tools that Citrix provides,  provide good tools to monitor and log usage and performance.  At the minimum, we recommend that you monitor CPU utilization, memory utilization, % disk activity, and sessions. 


  1. Check for a compatible printer driver in Terminal Server (Printers folder / Add New Printer).

  2. If it exists, then nothing needs to be done because the printer will be automatically created.
  3. If it does not exist, then follow the steps as described above to edit the wtsuprn.inf file to ensure that the printer gets auto-created. 

Citrix sells an add-on to MetaFrame v1.8 called the Citrix Resource Management module.  This module allows you to actively monitor your Citrix server and record statistics for review at a later time including usage, application usage, CPU, memory, and disk usage, as well as, many other factors that can help you monitor your Citrix environment.  It also include detailed reports and recommendations on improving performance and reliability.



Problem: Poor performance from the clients.

bullet Cause: Could be any number of issues.

Solution: How much slower is it?  Have additional users been added to the server?  Is the Citrix server over-utilized?  Is there a memory leak on the Citrix server?

bullet Problem: ODBC Call Failed Run Time Error. 

Cause: Loss of network connectivity. 


Solution: Check network connectivity.


Problem: User never receives a print out.

bullet Cause: The printer might not be compatible with Terminal Server.

Solution: What is the make and model of the printer that they are printing to?  Is it compatible with Terminal Server?  Have they ever been able to print from a Citrix session?  Can they print from a normal session?  If this is a print job being sent to the Process Server, is the printer set up on all of the Process Servers?

bullet Problem: User complains that their session is hung upon exiting Deltek Advantage.
bullet Cause: There is an incompatibility between Windows 98 and the Citrix ActiveX Control (v727).
bullet Solution: This has been reported to Citrix. You can CTRL-ALT-DEL to Task Manager and end the Citrix task. No other work is lost. The user should also be instructed to exit Deltek Advantage through File à Exit which allows Citrix and Deltek Advantage to exit gracefully.

bullet Problem: User gets an unable to connect to the Citrix Server.
bullet Cause: Unknown (under investigation).
bullet Solution: Have the user try again. Most likely they are able to get into the Citrix server the next time they try.


Problem: User gets a text screen when they click on a database link in Explorer.

bullet Cause: The ActiveX control that is needed has not been downloaded to the local machine.

Solution: Have the user wait for a minute or two while the control downloads from the main  Deltek Advantage web page. Eventually, they should get a dialog box requesting that they accept the control. Also, make sure they have permission to run ActiveX controls from their machine. This is an Internet Explorer security setting.

bullet Problem: When clicking on the link to a database from the Intranet, the user receives a message stating, "Unable to locate a Citrix server. The network might be down. Please try again."
bullet Cause: The user is unable to connect to a Citrix server.
bullet Solution: Check network connectivity. The user must be able to ping the Citrix and SQL servers.

bullet Problem: When clicking on the link to a database from the Intranet, the user receives a message stating, "system.mdw cannot be found."
bullet Cause: Two people have logged onto the same Citrix server at exactly the same time and this file can only be read by one person at a time.
bullet Solution: The user should click the OK button and tryagain until successful.

bullet Problem: User reports getting disconnected while working in Deltek Advantage.
bullet Cause: Could be one of many issues.
bullet Solution: Did anyone else in your office get  disconnected at the same time you did? Can you reconnect now?

bullet Problem: The Tab key and Enter key work differently at times.
bullet Cause: Unknown.
bullet Solution: Under investigation.

bullet Problem: Dr. Watson Error Messages on the Citrix Server.
bullet Cause: Could be any number of things.
bullet Solution: Check to make sure that there are no  connections to the Citrix server. If  connections exist, send them a message via Citrix to disconnect. If no connections exist, reboot the Citrix server.

bullet Problem: User is unable to connect to the database or the Database Wizard appears with the launch Deltek Advantage.
bullet Cause: The Citrix server is not on the network.

Solution: Reboot the client machine and make sure they have network connectivity.

This information came from

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