Once downloaded (from the Citrix Website), a file labeled NE000581.exe (or similar) should be executed. It's execution results in the production of two files, Wfc_32d1.exe and Wfc_32d2.exe. Run one after the other. A Setup.exe file should be extracted in that process and should be executed to install the Citrix client software on the workstation.
The Client software consists of a Help file and the "Remote Application Manager". Double-click the "Remote Application Manager" to start the process to create a user.
From the Options menu, choose "Settings"
Select the tab "Server Location", and choose "TCP/IP" from the pull down menu on the Network Protocol.
It should look like the following image.
We need to "Add" two server addresses. Their addresses are:
as reflected in the next screenshot.
Click the "OK" button to close the Settings window .
To create a new user, from the Entry menu choose New or press the Insert key.
You will see a screen for a choice of connection type:
The next screen is important for data entry.
Description: Wait to enter something until later!
Network Protocol: TCP/IP
Radio Button: Published Application
Published Application: Using the drop-down menu select Desktop. It places "Desktop" in the "Description" field as well!
Now it's safe to enter the user's name in the
"Description" if you deire to make it personal.
The next screen establishes the window
The next screen is for type of network.
The next screen is important as well.
Username: the CNS id (GPU id)
Password: You should leave this blank at this point due to the fact that when this configuration is saved, the password would be saved as well, creating a security leak
The next screen indicates sound and windowing options.
There is no need for an entry in either of the following fields.
No changes should be made from the next panel.
And finally, click the "Finish" button unless some errors require retracing your steps.
After the installation has taken place, the user should appear (if their name was used in the "Description" field of the appropriate panel).
This information came from http://www.ais.ualberta.ca/Technical/citrix/Citrix9598NT.htm
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