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Does any think this cunt deserves a happy life? If so, you can write her here:

Ms. Susan Smith #221487
Leath Corr. Inst.
2809 Airport Rd.
Greenwood, SC 29649 USA

Reggie White can be forgiven for racist slurs (and he's black.. oh wait, African-American) but I forgot, he's influential, has money, and is famous.

The pastors from Great Hills BAPTIST Church in Northwest Austin (Jollyville Road at Braker Lane, exit from Research Boulevard (US Hwy 183 North, one mile west from Loop 1) can be forgiven for molesting ten year old children.

What I find interesting is that poor, gay, or non-influential people are damned into hell and cannot be forgiven.

Ms. Susan Smith (from South Carolina, details below) can be forgiven because her family is influential (and Southern). I have the right to make that comment since I was born in Grundy, Virginia (then spending nine years in Lee City, Kentucky, and seven years in Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina).

The letter below was sent to the Union Daily Times in Union, South Carolina concerning the outcome of the trial of the BABY KILLER, Susan Smith.

You may email the editor of the Union Daily Times at [email protected]. What has happened is a tragedy that has brought shame to the "Christian" community, the community of Union, South Carolina, shame to the South, and shame to the United States of America.

-----Original Message-----

From: snackwell []
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 1:17 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: High
Sensitivity: Confidential

Monday, April 10, 2000

To: City and County of Union, South Carolina, specifically Susan Smith
From: A former resident of North Carolina
Subject: Headliners and Legends w/Matt Lauer

As a person whom was molested sexually as a child, beaten by his father, whom was 50 years older than his 13 ˝ year old mother (her age at the time of my birth in 1970); I am appalled that Ms. Smith is able to drown her two kids and get away with. Using sexual molestation as an excuse to kill is pathetic. So what Ms. Smith is saying that everyone that was sexually molested is a mental case. Funny, I’m not a mental case. I was raised in a Baptist Church by force. I remember when I asked questions, I was quieted down by other adults or members of the church. Why? Because I make people think.

Currently, I live in Austin, Texas, next to the Great Hills Baptist Church. I’m sure, since at least 51% of Union, South Carolina is Baptist, you are familiar with Great Hills Baptist Church. No..? Let me refresh your memory.

The preacher or pastor or man of the cloth (choose your favorite term) molested several kids under 15 years of age. The reaction of the non-violent Baptist Hierarchy? The Devil made him do it.

It’s funny how big stars in Music and Sports such as Sheila E. and Reggie White, respectively, some how find God after their career is over. I bet if they raped and/or killed someone, they could get away with it by blaming the devil or mental illness.

I find it also appalling that the Defense used the case of mental illness. I am mentally ill. I am manic depressive/hyperactive (ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder). Yet, I have not killed, or raped anyone of any sex or age.

I don’t buy the “I’m sorry…” story. Neither does God. Passages I remember reading in the “Bible” indicate that you are to take responsibility for your actions and not blame other beings or inanimate objects.

I only hope that the cause and effect relationship shall reign down on Ms. Smith.

I chant for peace and tranquility for everyone, even the “BABY KILLER!”

However, I will not let you forget this. Killing a three year old and a fourteen month old whom cannot defend themselves is pathetic, heartless, and cruel. And, not one of the Ten Commandments. I will send this letter to you every month and it will be online by the end of the day on Monday, April 10, 2000 for everyone and the whole world to see.

If you have comments, please send them to:

James Crisp

Any and all comments made via the phone, the internet or snail mail will be posted to this site. The location will


James Crisp
"we'll go floating down.. floating down.. floating down to Agenais" - Track 07, Donna Lewis from the CD, Now In A Minute
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This page was last updated on Friday, 17 March 2006

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