I was saddened recently when I found out some of my favorite stars were abusing the power as such. I am referring to Julia Roberts, Celine Dion, and Madonna.
The abuse I'm referring references cybersquatters. The examples are http://www.madonna.com, http://www.celinedion.com, etc. These stars and others (which I hope you as a reader of this page will forward me anyone whom abuses the power in reference to cybersquatting) refused to buy their domain names from the person whom registered it FIRST, then went to the WIPO and forced the person to hand over the name for free.
Business is run on a first come first served basis. But of late, that business model appears to be faltering and this will slow technological advancements since no one will attempt anything in fear of someone of a higher power (such as these stars) will take their invention away. The new model appears to be the that of the RIAA where as they control everything or will pay off someone to make sure they get and maintain control.
The internet was the last chance for the have-nots to make it big in the world, to be stars in their own right. And now, stars such as Celine Dion, Madonna, and Julia Roberts, with their millions of dollars, are taking away your right to do business in the 21st Century. George Bush, Jr. is someone else who attempted the same thing.
I ask the you boycott and not purchase any items from the following artists:
I expect this list to grow and will adjust it accordingly. The only way that the rest of us can survive in this world is to financially affect the careers of these types of people. You cannot rely on the judicial system or the media (since most of them are owned by some member of the RIAA or have a vested interest).
If you have any questions, you may email me at m y w e b@int erga te.com.
This page was last updated on Thursday, 16 March 2006
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